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"Celebrating the art of simple, charming, dollarwise living"

Our Carport Becomes a Secret Garden Getaway
I hope you are having a beautiful May so far, complete with your favorite flowers! Steve and I have started a new home project recently,...

Gift Guide for Flower-Loving Ladies
DISCLOSURES Flowers make me oh-so-happy so I thought I would share some lovely dollarwise floral gift ideas, especially with Mother's Day...

Downsizing Tips: What Should You Move to Hawaii?
Welcome to both my long time readers and my new readers/subscribers. January and February have found me and my husband Steve streamlining...

Little White Lights & the Great Love Cosmos
Steve and I have been decluttering and re-sprucing up our home since about January 1 and one of the things I got rid of this big...

Grandma's Christmas Cookies & Coffee Time
DISCLOSURES When we visited my Grandma at her cozy little farmhouse located on a picturesque river when I was growing up, at Christmas...

Good Little Things Lately
I've come upon some more Good Little Things Lately from all over the world to share with you, and I hope you enjoy them and find them...

Good Little Thanksgiving Things
Soon we'll be celebrating the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday so I thought I'd round up some dollarwise Good Little Things to help us all...

Is Bed & Breakfast Inn Travel for You? 37 Ways to Know
UPDATED & REPUBLISHED SEPTEMBER, 2021 Personally, I still don't believe it's a good idea to travel, with Covid being what it still...

Day Trip With Us to the Tonto National Forest, Arizona + Turn Your Car into a "Bistro"
UPDATED POST SEPTEMBER, 2021: This was published awhile back in the spring of I think 2020 or so, (not sure of exact date, sorry), but I...

Our Dollarwise Travel Guide to Charming, Beautiful, & Historic Places All Around the U.S.
UPDATE: September, 2021: I originally wrote this post pre-pandemic, to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. I thought it would be...

Lifestyle & Future Travel Goodies I'm Liking Lately
DISCLOSURES I thought it was time to share some things I've come across lately that made me smile. I'm feeling a little wordy today, so...

Our Package Home Delivery System During the Covid Pandemic
Have you found it problematic getting packages delivered to your home during Covid? We have been blessed with good delivery service for...

Cabbage Casserole & Arizona Cactus
If there's anything that makes me smile since we moved to Arizona in 2018, (I can't believe it's been three years!), it's cactus! So ......

Great New Kitchen BFFs!
DISCLOSURES If it's been as HOT where you live as it has in Arizona where I live, (+115 degrees some days), then you might like to invest...

A Little Home Humor & Help
Have you ever felt like this? Yes, I thought so! My hubby Steve and I are doing small dollarwise home-handy projects right now; I have...

Delicious & Dollarwise No-Eggs Quiche
DISCLOSURES I've been enjoying easier home cooking with our new big pantry m.o. that's working SO great! Our new skinny storage m.o. has...

Adding Skinny Storage to Your Kitchen
If you're a foodie who loves nothing more than trying new recipes and spices, you might consider that really fun, but as for me and...

Baskets & Bins for Pantry Organizing
I told you in my recent pantry upgrade post that I'd share with you why I used the particular bins and baskets I did here rather than buy...

Pandemic Pantry Panache
How has Covid changed the way you and your family dine? For us, like most people, it's been zero restaurant outings and instead...

No-Cooking Sunday Trays
Do you love to cook at home, kind of like it, or are you super tired of a whole Covid-year of so much at-home cooking?! No matter which...
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