I told you in my recent pantry upgrade post that I'd share with you why I used the particular bins and baskets I did here rather than buy all new pretty colored matchy-matchy bins like you see on beautiful online boards, and also that I'd let you know which bins were my favorites.
Here was my overall "flexible" strategy:
I don't like colored bins and baskets all that much, (or folders or labels either), because if one cracks or breaks or whatever then you're on a hunt to find a discontinued color. To me, that's a waste of time and energy so I try to stick with white and clear most of the time if at all possible and then I can mix and match them all just fine and the different sizes and textures look interesting to me.
Steve and I have been spring decluttering and cleaning in our home so we have moved things around and also organized and re-arranged a lot of things so that freed up some bins and baskets we already had. I used those rather than buy more. It's easier as I didn't have to shop for more, and we like to save money and repurpose.
Speaking of shapes, different size bins and baskets fit different things better so the various shapes worked great. Baskets and bins that were not as tall enabled us to add more shelves and stack two baskets. Other baskets that were taller we lowered the shelf to accommodate that basket height. Flexibility is key here.
Okay, now to specifics and favorites ...
These worked so great for soup and veggie cans! Very sturdy. I don't like cans rolling from a cupboard onto my feet and that won't happen with these gems.
These worked great for large cans of tomatoes and sauce. Better yet, they are economical yet sturdy and you can buy them in a 12 pack for a song. So what if they're "really" a dishpan?! You know me: a container is a container is a container and my readers and I love to think outside the box rather than be boxed in. :)
These worked great for noodles and pasta. And for nuts, Larabars, and little bags of chocolates for our Sunday Trays. They seal well and stack nicely and they come in different sizes and heights. If you don't want to lift every bin to get to the bottom then use a vertical style.
These I kept because I already had them and bought them specifically to fit a former cabinet, but if I were buying new flour and mixes bins, I would buy these instead as they hold more and stack well. They are really for the fridge, but you know me: I took the green fridge thing-y out of the bottom and now it's a pantry bin. :) They are quite pricey compared to some bins, but they are so nice they are worth every shiny penny!
These I had in our bathroom so I washed them all up nicely and moved them to my new pantry. They have lids so stack well. Perfect for glass jars of olives and pickles and condiments.
These are really nice for lasagna and spaghetti noodles. Our easy veggie lasagna recipe.
These I've had for years and they've been in my freezer, fridge, and cabinets all around our homes as we have moved homes.
The white and gray big basket was a nice sturdy large size for salad dressings and ketchup etc. I don't remember where I bought this but this size is similar. (Though doubtfully as heavy.)
The other random bins in there are from the Dollar Store. I wouldn't buy them again though as just too flimsy for my taste.
So, there you have my new big pantry organizing m.o. for now. Once we get the decorating around the pantry space done, I'll show you that too. That's evolving and later as we work on functional projects first to improve our storage needs and simplify our home too. (This never ends.)
Most importantly, how's your Covid pantry looking lately and what can you do to make food prep at home easier for yourself during this pandemic?
I thought I would quit blogging so much since I am working on a new eBook, but alas, I found I missed blogging after doing it for so many years, so here I am again. :) Never say never.
Happy St. Patty's Day, (my hubby's half Irish!) I hope you had a good one!
As for me, to celebrate the green after all this pantry organizing and cooking has made me tired, I virtually left our cozy Arizona cottage and armchair traveled today to this beautiful Irish Castle to take a luxe nap, have tea and a decadent dinner, and be luxuriously pampered.
Dream on, and be simply practical, my lovelies!
Kathryn :)